Brief One - Outdoor

Client: Vanish NapiSan

Proposition: Effective against all stains.

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Brief Two - Print Campaign

Client: 13SICK National Home Doctors Service

Proposition: When you can’t get to a doctor but they can get to you.

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Brief Three - TVC

Client: Northern Territory

Proposition: More than just a big rock.

Brief Four - Radio

Client: LEGO

Proposition: Where imaginations start.

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Brief Five - Non Traditional

Client: Mini Cooper S

Proposition: Rediscover the fun of driving.

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Brief Six - Mobile

Client: The Iconic

Proposition: Dress for who you are on the inside.

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Brief Seven - Integrated Digital

Client: Fair Coffee

Proposition: Change the world, one cup of coffee at a time.

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Brief Eight - Direct

Client: Nimble Loans

Proposition: The loan for people who seize the day.

Brief Nine - Integrated Campaign

Client: AWARD School

Proposition: Discontent can be the start of something great.

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Brief Ten - Commercial Creativity

Client: Anything!

Proposition: Come up with a product, business or entrepreneurial idea.

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New Balance: AutoGauff